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Endangered Childrens of Cobano have now a loving shelter thanks to you :
Sonja Bautista
Vanesa Barquero
Vitinia Mendez Castro
Cody Dilon
JC Fonseca Herrera
Canel Frichet
Christine Frichet
Jose Gonzalez
Mercy Isela Mendez
Johny Monge
Julie Jonge
Jonathan Dexlaw
Jeiner Perez Morales
Thoren Ingalls
Sfera Legal
Marco d’Anuncio
Emma Lacono
Roberto de la Osa
Josdara Picado
Yolanda Picado
Ana Pineda
Sam Kenwothy
Katie Reading
David Reuben, Consorcium
Patrick Rey &Valerie Rey
Xiomara Rodriguez
Lisa Streitberger
Jean-Marie & Monica Tassy
Marcelo Valanci
Laetitia Deweer
Fatima Ottinger
& many more
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